Planted Aquarium Style

Thursday, October 10, 2013

  Planted Aquarium  is a concept of the planted aquarium , and it combines the plant layout techniques, and creation of the natural ecosystem in a confined space of the aquarium. Many essence learned from the Mother Nature is condensed here. Please enjoy "the grand nature in a glass".

     Not a small number of us started this hobby after viewing a picture of a Takashi Amano aquascape on the internet. When Takashi Amano first introduced the Nature Aquarium style, it took the aquascaping community by storm, for aquascaping with nature as an inspiration was not new, but never at this level of skill and authenticity. One American publication went as far as to place a note beside the first published pictures of his aquascapes to inform readers that these were man made, and not pictures of nature.


The Japanese are master gardeners, practicing the art since the 6th century. From the late 12th century to the 19th century, Japanese gardens became a high art form, having been influenced by the Japanese Tea Ceremony and their Zen beliefs. By that time, Japanese gardens were known as places for contemplation, meditation, enjoying the wonders of nature and as a place for meaningful ceremonies. Seyemon Kusumoto wrote that the Japanese are best at ‘generating nature’s handiwork in a limited amount of space’. Japanese gardens became so beautiful that they were imported overseas, there are now 65 notable gardens found outside of Japan.
Japanese Garden | Erinji

     Similar to the Japanese garden, the concept for the Nature Aquarium style is to replicate nature within a designated space, establishing an aquascape that learns from nature. The aquascaper studies how nature compose itself and incorporates that knowledge. Nature Aquarium aquascapers often browse landscape, aquatic nature or biptope pictures for inspiration before composing their layouts. This mimicking of nature has been termed by ADA as “Natural Expression”. Natural expression can be achieved by; the attaching of flora to driftwood and rocks, mixed planting of flora, the creation of shadowy areas, different coloration of flora, different flora layers and the use of stem plants to express an aquascape that is subjected to bright sunlight.
As the Nature Aquarium (Planted Aquarium ) style is a natural expression of nature, and nature by itself is diverse and varied, many different variations of the Planted Aquarium  style exist. These variations can be categorised into two sub-styles, the iwagumi style. and the driftwood style.

Iwagumi Style

The Japanese word “Iwagumi” literally means “rock formation.” In a Japanese rock garden, the rocks are the “bones” of the layout and usually consist of three rocks; one main or large rock flanked by two smaller rocks, but not of equal size. When the rock formation is placed properly, the rest of the layout will simply fall into place.  In our hobby this has been taken far beyond three rocks but, the main principles should still be used.
       The iwagumi or ‘stone formation’ style was developed some 30 years ago. When Takashi Amano was in his early 20s, he became interested in creating an aquatic layout using rocks and studied Suiseki, the Japanese art of stone appreciation and Bonseki, the art of creating miniature landscapes on a black lacquer tray. These studies and his own experiments aided him in establishing the iwagumi style.

Define Your Hardscape

     The first rock to be placed in an Iwagumi is the primary rock or largest rock, the Oyaishi, and it is always placed off center, in accordance to the one third rule. It is also often slightly tilted in the direction of the water flow, to give it more of a natural feel as any tall flora will also move in the same direction. After the Oyaishi, the second largest rock is placed, the Fukuishi. The Fukuishi is placed on either the left or right side of the Oyaishi, its role is to balance out the Oyaishi and to create a tension that is seen in all Iwagumi aquascapes. The third largest rock follows the Fukuishi, the Soeishi. It is placed in a position that accentuates the strength of the Oyaishi. The fourth largest rock is the Suteishi, and it is placed in areas which compliments the entire rock formation and assists in bringing all the different rocks together. The Suteishi are not meant to stand out from the rock formation and they are sometimes hidden by flora, because of these factors, it is also known as the sacrificial stone.
       Except for the Oyaishi, there can be many Fukuishi, Soeishi and Suteishi, with the numbers of the particular type increasing as the rocks get smaller. The naming of the rocks based on their sizes provides a guideline to the Nature Aquarium aquascaper on how to produce an Iwagumi aquascape that balances itself.
     The most basic of all iwagumi is the Sanzon Iwagumi, or ‘three-pillared rock formation’. As suggested by its name, only three rocks are used, the Oyaishi, the Fukuishi and the Soeishi. The Sanzon Iwagumi is popular among nano aquascapers because it does not take up much space. Simple and non-complicated, some of the best iwagumi aquascapes are of the Sanzon Iwagumi style.

Select the Right Aquatic Plants
Iwagumi style Planted Aquarium should give you a feeling of tranquility and simplicity; therefore a limited number of plant species are used.  An aquascape (Planted Aquarium ) will usually consist of a single foreground plant like Eleocharis acicularis (Dwarf hairgrass), Glossostigma elatinoides, and Hemianthus callitrichoides to name a few commonly used species.
The background should also only consist of one plant species and can vary based upon the look and feel you want to obtain. The rocks are the focal point in an Iwagumi aquascape (Planted Aquarium ). So always use plants that will not over power the rock formation.

Harmony with Fauna
       When selecting fish you want to emphasis simplicity, harmony, and unity  between the fauna and the aquascape. Too many fish species can cause discord and chaotic random movement among the fish, which distracts from the aquascape.
Instead use a single species of schooling fish to add fluid movement and  contentment to the aquascape. The most common used species are Cardinal tetras, Rummy nose tetras, or Harlequin rasboras.  It is important to use “schooling” fish and not “shoaling” fish.  This helps to maintain a more tranquil environment.
Shrimp like the Caridina japonica (Amano Shrimp) are most often use in the planted aquarium and serve as an excellent clean up crew without distracting the aquascape. Their small size and clear coloration helps them blend well with the plants. Other shrimp varieties can be a distraction if they are too colorful or too abundant.

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