Dating Is The Exciting Part Of Your Life

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

We live in the world full of love and affection. It is great to love and to be loved by someone. We cannot deny the fact that love always starts in a simple dating. It is a doing of two persons with the purpose of knowing each other.
Dating is the best and exciting part of our life. When two people went out for a date, this means they are interested to start a romantic relationship. It is the initial phase where both couple finds to build a relationship that leads to affection and love. This article can help you achieve what you really need to know about dating.
To start with, dating definition has a general meaning; it is a start of a romantic relationship between two individuals. There are two outcomes of dating, it is to end up with the intimacy of marriage, or when sometimes the relationship will collapse, it depends on the couple compatibility. Dating helps, the two people to profound the feelings of each other that can lead them into a serious relationship but there is no such guarantee that the relationship will become successful.
There is one dating questions that play in our mind, will it be normal to go on date with sex or is sex is one of the factors for a great date? Well, in Christian dating, sex is prohibited; they still believe that virginity is very important before marriage. This dating rule of a Christian is a commitment to God. Dating is the process of knowing your soul mate, the person who you want to spend the rest of your life. It is an amazing and thrilling feeling to know someone that will make you happy.
However, there are different kinds of dating you should know.
  1. First, the casual dating, it is simply a societal meeting of the two people who just enjoy their company with no commitments. This means they still free to go on dates with others and there are no intimate attractions or no expectations between the two persons. The casual date might be a blind date or a single dating.
  2. Secondly, dating is also just for hanging out. This means, dating with one or more companions or a group of friends that consists of different sexes or both sexes just an entertainment. The pairs will exist for only one single dating.
  3. Another one is hooking up; this type of dating is common for the young people or teenagers to informal sexual encounter and no private relationship. Most young people feel obligated to keep in hooking up if they have exclusive relationships.
  4. Next, the benefits of a friend dating. This refers to a date where the relationship of both parties reach to the level of affection and also engage with intimate situations. A girlfriend and boyfriend relationship is more different from the hooking up.
  5. Lastly, the casual dating of an adult. During 2oth century, more adults enter in dating scene, due to the large number of divorces, while the single adults go into dating scene for the reason of finding a partner, while the others are contented just for casual dating. This is also similar to young adults and teenagers behavior in hooking up especially when it comes to the sexual intimacy.
Casual dating is a legitimate way of people to know each other in a relaxed and nice ambiance. A proper precaution is needed to prevent some dangers especially if the sexual activity may take place. Have a clear agreement and understanding regarding a relationship before dating because sometimes one party might assume that the dating is casual while the other party will expect for a commitment.
Some dating websites offer dating services like online dating. They offer free dating site for a trial so that you have a chance to find a perfect match for you. These dating sites will work out for your personal choice of date for singles. They also provide you helpful dating tips and some dating advice.
The dating site serves as a cupid to their heart. It is dating games that everyone will surely like. These online dating ideas are the most popular one all over the world. This is one of the dating games that will benefits those single men and women.
This is the better way to look for your match before going out for a date. Knowing someone first through internet will give you the first idea about his or her profiles, likes, and interest. Moreover, if in case that you are going out for a date with him or her, you are already prepared for your first date.

How to Lock Lips on a Second Date

Wondering how to lock lips on a second date? It all starts with getting a second date in the first place, so please do not ignore how important the first date is. This article is broken into two parts. Part 1 is "acting right on the first date so you get a second date." Part 2 is "How to lock lips on a second date."
Part 1: Acting right on the first date so you get a second date
A lot of guys just "wing it" when it comes to the all important first date. "I'll just be myself" is what they say. Then they wonder why the girl that enthusiastically accepted date 1 is all of a sudden cold and distant when it comes to trying to go out again.
Here are some rules of thumb for a first date (and actually, ALL your dates with her).
1. Be a gentleman by holding her chair, opening her car door, and for gosh sakes, don't eye up other women when you're out with her. Also, keep your eyes focused on hers, and not, er, lower, if you know what I mean.
Also, keep the date around 2-3 hours. There is no sense in trying to have an 8 hour date. You will just wear each other out and you don't have enough time in with her to survive that kind of togetherness. Ever hear the statement "familiarity breeds contempt?" Early on this is so true.
You have to spoon feed yourself to her so she is always anticipating the next time you will get together. Dating women is a marathon, NOT a sprint.
2. Don't talk about how you think the world is going to end in 2012. Maybe you buy into all that calendar stuff but a date is not the appropriate place for that or any other "serious" topics. Save the serious stuff for a philosophy class. Always keep things light and funny with her.
3. Grabbing is good when you're on a game show trying to get as many balls in your hands within a minute to win a big prize. Grabbing is not good on the date with her. I get that you're attracted to her but only know she knows when the right time for you to touch is. Do not put your arm around her, try get her to sit on your lap, rub her shoulders or anything else. I hear from so many women that guys that get in their space too soon TURN THEM OFF. If she wants to brush your arm or leg while laughing, cool. But you stay backed off of her!
Also, her touching you like that is a sign she likes you. You'll never get that sign if you get in her space and have your paws all over her. You'd leave the date wondering if she was touching you because she liked you or if she was trying to get away from you!
4. This goes along with #2. DO NOT talk about all your life disappointments, ESPECIALLY about ex-lovers. She does not care you didn't get the video game when you were 5, the car when you were 16 or the love of your life at age 22. She is there SOLELY to see if she likes you enough to see you again for a second date. Get her laughing and keep things light.
5. Don't reveal too much personal information about yourself, ESPECIALLY about how you feel about her. A lot of guys blurt out how much they like the girl and how they'd love to see her again. That turns women off because in spite of what they say, they like to chase a guy.
When you drop "I think this date is going really well, I like you a lot, maybe we can do this again," then she might smile at you and say she likes you too. She might even enthusiastically agree to another date. Make no mistake though, you lowered her INTEREST LEVEL in you by telegraphing your true feelings.
Her INTEREST LEVEL is like real interest in a savings account. Money doesn't gain interest in your pocket, it gains interest when you invest it. Her INTEREST LEVEL doesn't rise in you when you're in her face telling you how much you like her, it rises when you're not around and she is wondering about what you're up to.
Also, don't give her too many compliments (you're allowed 2, "you look nice," at the beginning and "I had fun," at the end) and DO NOT give her gifts. That means no flowers during the date (or after) and no candy, bears, shiny things, etc. Her INTEREST LEVEL doesn't rise because of what you give her.
You know which kinds of women respond to gifts from a guy they just started going out with? MERCENARIES. Do you really want a MERCENARY?
6. Last but not least, call her only every 5-9 days and only ask her out on the weekdays until she specifically asks why you don't take her out on the weekend nights. Obviously that is not going to happen between date 1 and 2 so after date 1, wait 5-9 days and ask her out again for a weekday. During that 5-9 days, if she had a good time and laughed a lot on your first date, she'll be thinking about and anticipating date 2. Her INTEREST LEVEL in you will be rising.
So, you've acted right on date 1, she had a lot of fun, you've made her wonder about you by not calling her right away and she's anticipating a second date. As you can see, this is going to make her much more willing and excited about kissing you on date 2. Which brings us now to part 2.
Part 2: How to lock lips on a second date
Date 2 should mirror date 1 as far as how you act but now you've set yourself up as a cool guy with her.
She's available because she's gotten rid of every other guy but you (up until now). What did the "rejected" guys do?
I'm betting they tried to call a lot, wanted to be in her space touching her, told her how much they liked her, gave her a ton of compliments, wanted to fit in 3 dates the first week they met her, told her how much they miss their ex-girlfriend, sent her flowers and mainly made a pest of themselves.
You are the smooth guy that pulls her chair out, makes her laugh, and causes her to wonder about what you're up to between dates. Believe it or not, even if you're home in your boxers playing an online video game during every night you aren't with her, she'll still think that you have 5-6 other women that she has to knock out of the box for your affection. Well, she'll think that if you're not in her face calling her and giving gifts.
Women love to think they have to blast other women out of the ring to get you. I don't know why that is, but it is!
So, on the 2nd date, you just have fun, make her laugh, keep your hands to yourself, and end the date after 2-3 hours just like date 1.
Walk her to the door just like on date 1 (like the gentleman that you are), tell her you had fun and then just go for the kiss. If she returns it, you've got a good date 3 candidate. If she turns her head or backs away, you've got to delete her number!
Also, you be the one that backs off the kiss first! Do not linger and kiss until the sun comes up. Every other guy would do that. Well, the guys that are trying to make dating women a sprint. You know it is marathon and every date needs to build on the last. Remember, she always needs to anticipate being with you the next time and be excited about it.
Remember guys, if you're wondering how to lock lips on a second date, keep in mind it starts with a strategy that you must employ from date 1 on!
Wondering how to lock lips on a second date? [] Well, you better get by the first date! Getting a second date starts with employing a dating women strategy that works and you can do that by getting THE SYSTEM, which is the definitive guide for dating women and relationships, written by dating women expert (and my dating women radio co-host), Doc Love.
Not sure if you're ready to buy yet? Get more information for free via a dating women radio show. There are 2 options for free dating women radio at Doc Love's site. Look for "radio show" on the lower left of the home page. Below that is a big ad that takes you to specific dating women advice from Doc's appearances on KPRC Radio in Houston, TX.
You can also read Doc's FREE weekly dating women advice column found on his site as well.
If you don't have time to click now, the first link is and the 2nd one is Save those, as you'll need them!
Jeff M. Stevens is heard all over the US on several commercial radio stations as co-host of The Doc Love Show: Understanding Women For Men Only. His co-host Doc Love has appeared on FOX News and in Time Magazine for his unique approach to dating women!

Want to Be Successful at Friends Dating? - Top Online Dating Tips and Techniques for Single People

Expert Author Carl Michaels
The online dating industry for singles is booming and scores and scores of lonely single men and women are signing up to dating websites each week looking for new dates, friends dating and in many cases just to improve their social life.
Furthermore over the last few years with the advent of social media and new mobile platforms online dating for singles has become far more versatile and accessible. For example did you know that the majority of popular dating web sites are now fully compatible with the latest smart phones and tablets?
These exciting technological changes and advances revolutionise friends dating and the way singles from all walks of life can interact with new people or dates that they meet via a singles web site. So in light of these changes and improvements let us examine in detail how we may utilise a number of proven dating tips and techniques to be more successful at friends dating.
Proven Online Dating Techniques for Friends Dating
Dating web sites, whatever the niche tend to fall into a number of service categories; they are either running empty with few members or are overgrown with so many single member profiles that it makes choosing a prospective partner exceedingly difficult indeed.
To make matters far worse some dating web sites are full of out dated member profiles that either haven't logged in for months (or years) or offer minimal information, no pictures and hardly any text. Remember that your singles profile on a friends dating web site is your opportunity to sell yourself to other interested singles looking to find a date near you.
Build a Proper Singles Dating Profile - The Most Important Technique for Singles Looking for Love
One of the best techniques that you can employ to be successful at Internet dating is to ensure that your member profile is bursting with useful information. Use photos and video to expand your description and spend time on the text, describe your likes and dislikes, your personality and what kind of single friend or date you hope to meet.
The majority of mainstream online dating web sites will offer this basic dating feature on their web site so be certain to take advantage of profile building to boost your presence. A well thought out member profile is one of the most imortant steps that you can take to become successful at online dating, meet new people and friends and ultimately find the relationship you desire and deserve.
Treat Friends, Other Singles and Potential Dates With Respect
Treat other singles looking for love and romance with respect at all times, the whole dating online experience can enable people with false sense of bravado, after all it is easy to feel more confident than normal in your own home when hidden behind the privacy of a personal computer.
Never make assumptions about people who you have never met and always be polite when talking to other singles. Do not divulge personal information to strangers, remember that a person that you are chatting to on a dating web site may not be all what they say they are; is their profile and picture real, do they really live where they say that they do? These are all questions you should be thinking when you are forming the early stages of a relationship.
Ensure Your First Date is a Safe Dating Experience - Meet New Singles in a Public Place
Singles date all over the country in major cities such as London, Manchester, Bristol, Birmingham and Liverpool, never arrange to meet a new date for the first time somewhere that you do not feel safe. Public places are always safest. Most people are who they say that they are but you can never be to careful when meeting new people for the first time.
The Best Places to Visit for Friends Dating
Until you know more about a person that you have met on a singles web site consider meeting people who you find attractive in a bar or restaurant, just go for a morning coffee or for a walk in a public place. Your goal is to relax and to allow your companion the chance to relax also. For a real date to have potential you need to be able to talk freely without inhibition.
Younger singles may prefer a pub or cocktail bar, older singles perhaps a more relaxed venue. If your first date goes well consider taking trips to the cinema, theatre or even some short city breaks. Be sure to read the following free tips on friends dating and further ideas on where to go on a first date.
Success With Women - Success With Men in Any Singles Niche
These advanced dating techniques will work in almost any dating niche, there are so many after all. Popular dating niches include Christian dating, uniform dating, single friends dating, disabled dating, single with kids, single parent dating and senior and mature dating for example.
These proven dating techniques will certainly get you noticed, remember that other singles typically want exciting dates that offer good engaging conversation, a relaxed friendly environment and a chance to get to know the other person properly.
Whether you are looking for a single man or for a single woman just follow these absolute dating techniques for an improved chance of relationship success or visit the SingleMe web site for more top romantic tips for single men and women looking for love and new friends.
Carl Michaels is a relationships adviser and dating enthusiast who has worked for numerous household name dating web sites. His own dating website SingleMe at [] connects genuine singles together and is packed with free exclusive tips and techniques on how to be more successful at all kinds of online dating.

Why Downward Dating Is Harmful

Expert Author Noreen M Sumpter
Are you dating people that you cannot afford to be with? I don't just mean fiscally, I mean mentally, emotionally, socially, educationally, spiritually and or economically. When you choose someone new to date, are you on an equal playing field?
Dating on an unequal playing field is a source of frustration and can become out-and-out upsetting. I have coined the phrase "Downward dating." Downward facing dog is a traditional yoga pose that Stretches and strengthens the whole body while relaxing the mind. Unlike downward dating which only eats away at your sanity and puts you in a pile of confusion. In the end, you wind up blaming yourself for the relationships demise. As with many of life's choices there is no one to blame and many lessons to learn.
The way your dates treat you and the opportunities that come your way are determined by your attitude, energy and your sense of self. Often times, it feels good to blame others, but you know intuitively that it is not right. One of the only things you can possibly get from downward dating is some instant physical satisfaction which is often very nice but that lasts for about a good sixty seconds. However, you're not making the kinds of connection that you desire. You are not getting the emotional connection you desire, so you're left upset, angry and frustrated.
I have heard dating described as a gladiator sport. It is not for the faint of heart. Dating will test you and can shred every ounce of confidence you have or wreck havoc on your self image. While dating, whatever insecurities you are dealing with will surface and leave you not even recognizing yourself.
Do you experience yourself and realize that you are you dating the same physical type of man/woman over and over again. Do you have a physical type, i.e. tall, blonde, bald, hulking, etc. and are not interested in leaving that type behind? In the past, I have been guilty of dating like that. Thus not making room for anyone else to enter my sphere and all the while, still looking for a different response and treatment. Duh! However, are you not ready to leave your type behind but still want something different? Do you want and or are you interested in stopping this kind of behavior? Do you want a different results?
Before you go out on another single date start, looking at what you don't like about your dating habits. Start by asking yourself about what you're experiencing; see if it is a reflection of how you treat yourself. If you cannot change or are not ready to date, you are doomed to continue creating more of the same dating situation. This can be said for any situation that does not work for you anymore. It you want to date differently, you have to start giving yourself something first. If you want to date better people, you have to become a better person. If you want to be respected, you have to give respect to yourself and then to others, if you want to improve the quality of your dates you have to improve the quality of yourself. Start by asking questions "What can I contribute to my dates?" What you receive from any dating situation will transform when you accept yourself.
It is unfortunate but most of the recipients of downward dating love the idea of dating you. They love what you do, what you have but they subconsciously are frightened that you may not be interested in them. They are subconsciously don't like what you are, as you represent all that they are not and this dredge's up their insecurity. Downward dating people derive pleasure from you because it gives them an opportunity to inflate their already timorous ego.
They love what you represent, that you have an education and the social accoutrements or any other accolades whether earned, learned or born with. They love that you have your own money which is oftentimes, more than theirs. On the other hand, with downward dating there is no dedication. It's just bragging which could later be at your mental expense and discredit.
Some downward dating partners are only capable of trying to break you down. The relationship is lop-sided. Your partner can become spiteful, downright nasty and mean spirited. Downward daters are for the most part only really interested in themselves and making you wrong. Their level of insecurity is very high. The experience of downward dating is one of insecurity and belief that internally that they don't deserve something.
Downward daters will continual ask questions that you can't answer in the way they want. "Why are you really interested in me" Duh, you're interested in them because you like them. They cannot believe that and are extremely adamant that you're not being truthful. They make statements like that you're trying to use them They do not hear or listen to what is being said in a conversation. They only hear their internal conversation and make up things that were not being said or experienced.
Downward dater is not based in reality. Downward dates and daters come in all shapes and sizes color and crude. This incessant dialogue is very dysfunctional. This is when you leave the interaction (Run now!)
Many people have downward dated at some point in their life. Even if you can fake amnesia and plead the 5th you've done it.
Here is my experience in downward dating:
I dated a man with less money then me. I knew upfront that he could not afford to attend a lot of the things that I invited him to, so I would foot the bill if I really wanted to go. I didn't have a problem with sharing, but when my sharing became a problem, the relationship become uncomfortable. His ego, was getting a little roughed up about not having extra play money. I did not do it deliberately. If I was digging down into my savings or spending above my means, I would say something.
Unfortunately, my guy had not mastered this concept, he had difficulty expressing his feelings about my money. Our relationship became increasingly difficult and it became progressively more difficult having certain conversations. So he proceeded to make me wrong. Eventually we broke up.
Today my opinion is if your venturing into a situation like this,you're probably setting yourself up for failure. Work with me here, you have spent a number of years building up your education and that education has increased your socio economic standing only to find that you are not dating on an level playing field. You have little in common with them and furthermore they resent you for it. It is important to date with clarity. It takes time to get to know the people. It is also important that you give yourself time to get to know the people you're interacting with and that you do not compromise your spirit.
I know many men and woman complain that they are sad and that they feel alone. Theoretically, we are all. Even in a relationship, amongst family, friends or in a group, we can feel alone. Alone, is a feeling, not our truth. The key is to accepting being alone is checking whether this is true for you. Then choosing what you want to do with what you know. Rejecting your findings that you are alone will not only make you feel better about being alone, it will prevent you from jumping into relationships that do not support your energy and what you are up to in your life. It is healthy to look at yourself with a critical yet compassionate eye so that you can make the decisions that only you can and will say are right for you. If you let lonely choose for you, you'll be in a relationship that will have you whirling and not in a good way.
How to stay away from Downward Dating.
Remember downward dating unlike Downward Facing Dog Does not tone and strengthen your back. It can however give you great sex for 60 seconds and fabulous eye /arm candy. But, if you're serious about having a relationship stay away at all costs.
Date people that have the same or similar kinds of interests.
Value yourself so that people will value you and if they don't, you can walk away intact.
Give yourself permission to do what you desire.
Date people that have interests that interest or might interest you.
Take time to get to know people you date, but first take time to know yourself.
Date people that have similar values by finding out and asking those questions that freak you out.
Date people who value you making plans and can be honest about what they can and cannot do.
Date people that are flexible, will try new things and speak up about them.
Date people who can create and have with clear agreement with you.
Date people who will remember your successes in the relationship not your failures.
Breakdowns are opening for breakthroughs. Life without breakdowns is no life at all.
Date people and do your best and realize that dating is a process which can have you realize your humanness.
Date by expecting the best to happen and know that your will experiences triggers from you past.
Date with an open heart or else don't date - In fact do your life with an open heart.
Improve the quality of yourself by being open to being fearless and free.
Ask yourself serious heartfelt questions, the one that makes you feel uncomfortable.
Have a look at your attitude and level of gratitude.
What do you like or dislike about your dating habits? Take a look. Don't judge just investigate.
Get rid of your physical typing, The physical typing was created in your past by a very young you.
Stay in the present moment leave you past relationships in the past.
Live in the now date in the now.
Everyone, as we all know, is different and not everyone is compatible. So, it is important to realize if you cannot accept a person for all they are and all they are not, then you need to leave them alone. Maybe your date has not read a book in a number of years. Maybe they only eat what they was raised on and everything else is off limits. Or you're a traveler and they're a couch traveler. Your priorities are so completely different. You find yourself trying to plan things with them and they seem really keen, but when it comes time to commit to the plans, they disappear off the planet and your left wondering is this the same person.

So You Think You Know All About Online Dating?

Today Online Dating is more popular than ever. But do you really know all the different variations out there? Here's a fun A- Z guide that reflects modern trends in 2013. There are the many different forms of 'Dating' on the web. How many do you recognise?
A - App - Usually mobile-based on Android or i-phone. App stands for application and this form uses G.P.S technology to facilitate match-making between singles.
B - B.B.W - Stands for Big Beautiful Woman and refers to men who wish to date them and the women who amply fulfill the desired category.
C - Christian - Wide-ranging dating niche covering all Christian religions.
D - Dominatrix - Extreme adult theme-based dating which involves erotic encounters between singles that are interested in B.D.S.M. (Bondage etc.,) Popular with some politicians.
E stands for E-Dating, another term that generally defines online dating. Yet, it could also include social networks or apps rather than orthodox online dating.
F - Friends-with-Benefits - refers to people who wish to date friends of the opposite sex with the occasional erotic encounter. Remember the movie?
G -Gay - Self- explanatory term for dating with Transgender/ transsexual niche included.
H - Herpes - Yes, it does exist and is very common. Crikey. Refers to people who have recovered and wish to date a partner who has gone through a similar experience.
I - In-Person - refers to real life face-to-face encounters between single people after an agreement has been made to meet after or during online dating communication.Yes, like the good old way! ( n.b safety considerations are a major issue so be careful. )
J - Jewish - Dating between singles of the Jewish faith. Shalom.
K - Kinky - An adult-based theme for single people who may have a sexual fetish or have sexual tastes beyond the norm. Get out those boots.
L - Location-based - using G.P.S technology (Global Positioning System) this dating allows singles to base their dating encounters on the location of their prospective partners and 'hook-up'.
M - Mature - refers to a dating niche for singles over forty and is similar to Senior Dating.
N - N.S.A - stands for No-Strings-Attached - and is similar to Friends with Benefits. This type of dating refers to casual sexual encounters that may or may not lead to a continuing arrangement between consenting couples but not necessarily lead to friendships or a long term relationship.
O - Online Dating that uses modern technology to facilitate meetings between people who may or may not be single. App based or website based.
P - Plenty of Fish - dating site referred to as p.o.f.
Q - Quiz - A dating idea based online that mixes Speed Dating with a pub quiz style format. Put your mobiles away please.
R - Religious - A dating niche that attempts to bring singles together of a shared faith.
S - Speed - Like Quiz Dating this is event based but mainly arranged online these days. The idea has been around long before online dating took off in a big way.
T - Tinder - an ios dating app that allows individuals within a 50 mile radius to meet up via Facebook networks.
U - Uniform - a very popular niche driven form of dating where professional people who wear uniforms for a living - like firemen or sexy traffic wardens - who then arrange to meet each other for a hot date.
V - Virtual - combines online dating with online gaming. Involves the use of Avatars for people to interact in a virtual venue such as a virtual café. Take the blue pill.
W - White Label Dating- Dating platform for many online dating sites. Its success depends on partnerships with mainly branded sites.
X - XXX Dating - Adult dating of a more extreme nature. Not for the fainthearted. Usually consists of pornographic imagery for online marketing.
Y - You Tube was originally an online dating idea did you know? Now, it broadcasts online dating videos and a mixture of general tips, adverts, advice from professional dating coaches and, of course, hilarious spoofs.
Z - Zoosk - refers to the online dating site.

Online Dating Advice for a Bad First Date

Expert Author Sally Burr
A bad date is a place you don't want to be. It's no one's fault, yet no matter how well you seem to get on online, you can easily find yourself in a public place with a stranger having a real struggle with simple conversation. What should you do?
You have 3 options open to you if you find yourself on a date which is not going well. By bad date I am referring to a mediocre level bad date where awkward silence and stilted conversation ensues, not the type of bad date you need to run away from. You can either -
1) cut the date short and go home
2) stick it out, but not see them again
3) give it another chance, another time.

There's no need to throw your possessions and yourself out of a restroom window if the conversation does not flow as you had hoped. There's a lot of pressure on people on a first date and it can be difficult to be yourself. It's not unlike a job interview, in many ways.
If the first date is not a roaring success, should you agree to another? Daters are very strictly in one camp or the other over this one. Some hardened daters are adamant that if there is no instant and deep connection, you should throw in the dating towel immediately. I am in the camp that believes that you might need a few dates to get to know one another.
Think of your current best friend, for example. I bet when you first met, you might not have imagined that they would one day be your best friend. You need more than one pop at getting to know someone - a date shouldn't be like an exam.
If you don't want to give it another go and meet your date again, send a polite and sugary message including:
- a big thank you for taking the time to meet you
- tell them that they are great, but you don't feel you are suited
- wish them all the best of luck for the future and say thanks again

If your date is rude or lewd, you don't need to sit politely through this one. If your date is rude or you feel unsafe in their company, you can cut the date short. Excuses include, I feel ill. That should do it. An elaborate plan that involves your mobile phone and an emergency is not necessary. Afflictions that are sudden and common include; headache, toothache, tummy ache, nausea.
You can bounce back from a bad dating experience. Laetitia, 32 from Brighton discovered this after a series of bad dates including suggestible sexual proposals on a first date, and another who left mid-way through dinner. Hang on, it may have been the same chap on two different dates. Bless Laetitia for giving him another go.
You can't prepare for a date like the chap above. Laetitia just put it behind her and persevered with dating, eventually meeting her current partner 8 dates later. Laetitia advises to try and not to take a bad experience too personally, and to carry on dating regardless;
"A bad date can be nothing to do with you at all so try not to feel to dejected. Sometimes you just don't know what the other person has got going on in their lives. Essentially, dating is a numbers game."
To avoid a bad date in the first place, you are best to hold on meeting in person until you are completely satisfied that your prospective date's profile is a true reflection of who they really are, pictures and all.
Just like a can of baked beans, we all have to sell ourselves. There is however, a big difference between showing off your best side and pretending to be a can of meat balls.
If your prospective date claims to be a 30 year old Engineer with a cat called Tiddles, then you want to make absolutely sure that you will be putting on your best frock/man attire to meet a feline loving, tinkler of engines. Nothing but the truth will do.
Seriously, people can be candid with the truth in their profiles. They don't need to, but they do. I dated one chap who claimed to have a cat but didn't. Puzzling, but true.
According to The Guardian, 4.7 million people are dating online and in a recent survey, 1 in 3 admitted to lying in their dating profile. 1 in 3 makes for a large potential number of porky pies to uncover. Over one million, to be exact.
The most common areas for mistruths, according to statistics, are different for men and women. Men are tempted to lie about age, height and income whereas women opt for misleading information about their weight, physical build and age. The porkies to look out for include, but are not limited to -
- weight, height, age
- profession
- qualifications
- out of date photos

Nobody is really worried about dating someone a little shorter, older or stockier - we all just want to meet someone we can have a life-time of fun with, and fancy a bit too. Lying before you have even yet met is not only unattractive, it does not bode well for the future. Check out the things important to you tactfully through your online conversations; ask for titbits about jobs and hobbies and find out the stories behind the profile photos. Make sure you too are not stretching the truth, it could lead to being in a pickle further on down the line. Most importantly, make sure you have the potential to get on.
Dating can be expensive in terms of time, money and crushed hopes. It make sense for your purse and your heart to whittle out the potentially mismatched dates early on.
Dating success can be yours - just keep going. In the face of a bad date, keep your chin up, enjoy talking to someone shiny and new and then carry on dating.
A nice cake and avoiding a bad date - it's all in the preparation
- find out how long your potential date has been online dating. Some are addicted to dating. You don't want to be another short term fix.
- always online? Bad sign. How can they fit in that exciting life if they are always logged in? It also suggests they might be dating lots and lots of people, which for some is OK, but not for the thin-skinned. According to statistics, 53% of people surveyed admitted to dating two people simultaneously, so be prepared.
- texting a lot? Texting only proves that someone has a phone and digits. Take texting lightly, it's not a heavy commitment to text and someone who is seriously into you will give you a call instead.
- having said that, limit your contact before you meet. Find out enough to establish that you might get on but don't overdo the pre-meet chat. You don't want to establish a big text connection and then meet up and find you don't get on in 3D. Tricky.
- if you do meet, suggest a date in a coffee shop in the day time. In a cafe, you can happily leave after a 30 minute chat over a tea and a muffin, and that's completely OK. In a pub you might feel you owe them the whole evening and you risk drunken misjudgment.
Good luck!

Tips for a More Enjoyable First Date - What Men Should Know

Dating should be fun but for most people, first dates make them anxious maybe because they want everything to be perfect. A terrible first date could ruin your chance of creating a wonderful relationship with your date and so you want everything to be perfect to have a great start. First dates can be stressful if you do not know what to do. The following tips can be very helpful if you want a more enjoyable first date.
How to prepare for your first date?
To make a more enjoyable first date, you have to do your homework and know some basic details about your date. It would be too awkward if you happen to ask the wrong questions. Focus on your date and prepare on how to make her comfortable on your first date. Some men do practice their lines before their first date and there is nothing wrong if you will do the same. Turning the focus on your date can help you forget your nervousness and you'll eventually become more at ease.
To create a more enjoyable first date, avoid Friday night date to avoid the pressure. Keep the date short to be more considerate of each other. If you or your date can't feel any connection, keeping the date short will save you both of the awkwardness. Keeping the date short doesn't mean you have to be rude if there is no spark on your first date. Treat every first date as an opportunity to expand your network of friends. Who knows, your date might offer to introduce you to her friend who could be a better fit for you. Be a gentleman and treat every first date with good manners. If there is a connection and you are both attracted to each other, keeping the first date short means there is something to look forward to, which is your second date. The anticipation for the next date can be very interesting for both of you.
Be punctual on your first date or call if something came up and you cannot make it on time. It is important that you make her feel that you respect her time and remember that being considerate or respectful of your date makes you more attractive.
What to wear on your first date?
The clothes you wear on your first date affects the level of your attractiveness. Dress sharp and look your best on your first date. Most women love to go out with a guy who dress well but this does not mean you have to spend a fortune for your new wardrobe. Wear something presentable, clean and appropriate for your date. Wear clothes that flatter your best physical features and minimize your less attractive features. Of course to have a more enjoyable first date, you also have to be comfortable and confident wearing your outfit because you do not want to feel tense or uncomfortable with your outfit while on a date.
Experts recommend that men should stick to dark-colored pair of jeans, long sleeve collared shirt with slight patterns or not too loud patterns and with loose tie. For a casual look, a nice polo shirt and sports jacket are another option. Tucking in your shirt makes you appear clean and presentable. Avoid wearing khakis which makes you look like going to a workplace than a date. Avoid loud prints and stripes if you want to look good and impress your date. Choosing loud colors can be distracting, if you want to stand out, choose the colors that are most likely to attract women like white, black, grey, blue and green. Colors like cobalt blue and maroon can be attractive too. Flashy clothing or accessories are not appropriate for a date because it will draw the attention away from you.
Of course do not overlook your hygiene. Pay attention to your footwear, have your shoes polished to make them look clean and wear the appropriate socks. Put attention to your hair, your fingernails and nose hairs. If ever you end up wearing the wrong outfit on your date, relax and just be yourself and enjoy the moment with your date.
Where to go on your first date?
Most people choose to spend their first dates on places where they can dine or sit opposite each other to talk and know each other better but the problem with this setting is that the date may become more of an interview than a date. Meeting for the first time on this kind of setting can be too formal and you both may find it difficult to come up with subjects to talk about that may lead to long silence or awkwardness.
To have a more enjoyable first date, it is best to include enjoyable activities that you can do together like attending a cooking class, painting class, country fair, bowling, biking, ice skating, karaoke, etc. or visit places where there are many things that you both can look at and talk about like museums, zoos, theme parks, underground aquariums, botanical gardens etc. A walk in the mall or shopping for small things is also a good way to spend your first date and get to know each other better. Talking while doing things together is not only enjoyable but it creates new experiences and memories. As much as possible avoid concerts, plays and movies on your first date. Dates should allow you to talk, interact and connect with each other and it is hard to accomplish that if the environment is too noisy or you are both busy watching a movie or a play.
Planning for a more enjoyable first date is not as hard as you think. Do you want to attract women like magnet? Visit Become A Woman Magnet.


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